Submit Information on the Gold: Start the process by providing details about the gold you intend to monetize to Global Capital Monetization. This could include gold bullion, bars, or coins that meet the standard requirements for monetization. We offer a no-cost initial evaluation to assess the value and eligibility of your gold.
Preliminary Evaluation: Our experts conduct a preliminary evaluation of your gold, taking into account its purity, weight, and market value to determine the loan amount that can be secured.
Issuance of Pricing Terms: Once the gold is accepted for monetization, we issue a formal offer detailing the loan amount, interest rates, fees, and other terms. This offer is customized to meet your financial needs and the value of your gold.
Signing of Terms: Upon agreeing to the terms, you will sign a Letter of Intent (LOI) or a Term Sheet, formalizing the agreement between you and the lender.
Due Diligence: A detailed due diligence process is conducted to verify the authenticity and value of the gold, ensuring all regulatory standards are met.
Issuance of Loan Agreement: After successful due diligence, a Master Loan Agreement is prepared and signed, formalizing the loan terms.
Verification & Transfer of Gold: Your gold is transferred into a secure storage facility with a major world bank or a specialized vault. This ensures that your gold is held safely while being used as collateral for the loan.
Loan Closing: Once the gold is verified and secured, the loan funds are transferred to your account, and the transaction is completed. Typically, the entire process is completed within 20 business days, depending on the complexity of the gold valuation.